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Hand Pipes

The original spoon pipe, or hand pipe as it’s commonly referred to, is about as old school as it gets. The hand pipe is so classic that it dates back thousands of years due to its simple design and ease of use.

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Hand Pipe Design and How to Use

The basic pipe design consists of a bowl where you place your dry herb and a reservoir that runs from the bowl to your mouth. Most pipes these days even come equipped with a carb hole to provide you with optimal control over your rips. You simply place your finger over the carb while lighting your herbs and slowly inhale. Once you’ve inhaled enough smoke, release the carb to allow the hit to be instantly sucked into your mouth. Exhale after a few seconds of holding it in, then sit back and enjoy the ride.

The Popularity of Hand Pipes

Hand pipes have enjoyed somewhat of a resurgence of sorts in recent years, with glass pipes easily being the most popular amongst smokers. Given that there’s a multitude of techniques being used and developed, glass blowers have become quite the commodity. However, given how difficult it is to become a master glassblower, there is plenty of space for the industry to grow. The two options you currently have to choose from are mass-produced pipes or hand-blown custom pipes. Your price range and personal preferences will usually dictate which route you’ll want to take. But, what if smoking concentrates are more your thing? If that’s the case, then a pipe probably isn’t for you. You’ll want to ake a look at our selection of inexpensive nectar collectors that are specifically designed to be used with concentrates.