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Straight Tube Bongs

The straight tube or straight shooter bong, as some refer to it, is an OG classic that’s just as popular today as it was 50 years ago. The design features a straight tube of glass that’s connected to the base or pedestal and is traditionally crafted from one or multiple pieces of borosilicate glass tubing, which is cut with a lathe machine. Their popularity stems from their robust structural design that’s as simple as can be, coupled with their ease of use and the powerful rips they produce. The extended neck provides ample room for glass artists to feature numerous percolators, stacked arms, splash guards, and so more. It’s this elongated neck that allows you to effortlessly carry the straight tube while traveling. And that pedestal base we just spoke of is typically crafted from extra-thick glass for added stability, and to curb any spills or breakage.