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Recyclers & Incyclers

For those who are new to, or don’t have a lot of experience with cannabis, concentrates, bongs, and dab rigs, the terms “recycler” and “incycler” may have you scratching your head trying to figure out what the heck we’re talking about. When you hear “recycler,” you may think we’re talking about a bong or dab rig that’s crafted from recycled glass. Or maybe it refers to a piece that allows you to conserve your cannabis by being able to smoke it over and over again, in essence, recycling it? And “incycler” almost sounds like an individual you’d see riding around town on some new and stylish type of cycle. As fun as this sounds, it simply isn’t the case. That’s not to say that recyclers and incyclers aren’t fun in their own right.

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What is a Recycler?

Since we’ve already discussed what a recycler isn’t, let’s discuss what exactly a recycler is. A recycler is a type of bong or dab rig that’s specifically made to recycle the smoke through the water before it ever reaches your lips. They feature a two-chamber percolator system that recycles the smoke, going back and forth between the two chambers. These percolators are what create thousands of tiny bubbles that filter and cool your smoke for a much less harsh and more enjoyable experience. It repeats this process until it filters the smoke fantastically, which will allow you to take bigger hits than you had ever imagined. It’s this filtering of smoke that helps to remove the toxins and other harmful materials that come with smoking marijuana. The recycler design also doubles as a splashguard, with the continuously moving water lending a hand in keeping bong water out of your mouth as well. One more thing to take note of is that, unlike traditional bongs and dab rigs, recyclers don’t allow the smoke to go stale since it barely has any contact with the air. And the longer the smoke stays in contact with the water, the more flavorful and cool your rips will be. If filtration is at the top of your list of bong requirements, then you need to look into adding a recycler to your collection.

What Is an Incycler?

They initially rose to fame in the early 2010s with the Torus and Klein incyclers from Mothership Glass. And ever since then, their popularity hasn’t waned one bit. Short for internal recycler, incyclers are a unique type of recycler that is heralded by newbies and cannabis veterans alike for their superior cooling and filtration abilities. People tend to use incyclers with concentrates more often than not. That doesn’t mean you can’t replace the banger with a fully packed bowl and get your combustion on while enjoying the incycler action. For the most part, they feature a special dual-chamber design where the percolator that starts the filtration process calls home. This dual chamber design is ideal for anyone that craves optimal flavor along with top-notch functionality. The fun starts when you draw the smoke into the primary percolator, where it’s then filtered into the main chamber. Then the vapor and water are pulled into the incycler’s inner section, traditionally via multiple skillfully placed slits. However, if these intake tubes aren’t positioned at the correct angle, you won’t be able to maximize the vortex effect that incyclers are known for. By this point, the smoke has made it past your lips and will begin to make its way to your lungs. During this process, the water drains through the interior section non-stop, constantly replenishing the main chamber, all before being propelled upwards yet again, thanks to the killer perc action. This water and smoke loop will repeat this process with the smoke passing through the percolators several times before exiting the mouthpiece and entering your lungs.

Recyclers vs. Incyclers

Recyclers and incyclers are designed to function the same, just in slightly different ways. Hence, why they look so different from each other yet can provide similar results. Recyclers feature two separate chambers that are designed to continuously pull the smoke and water back and forth to filter and cool the smoke. It’s these chambers that are attached via one or multiple tubes that give recyclers their trademark look of something you’d see sitting on the counter of Rick Sanchez’s lab. Inside these chambers are where the percolators, which add to the filtering and cooling of the smoke, can be found. You’ll have a variety of options concerning what type of percolators you’d like in your recycler. It’s all about personal preference. Incyclers, on the other hand, are a special type of recycler that also features a dual chamber system, except the second chamber is housed inside the first instead of sitting next to it. And although they look so different from each other, incyclers still provide the same high-quality smoking experience, with just a slightly more complex look. They both provide an unmatched visual display when compared to other smoking and dabbing options. It just depends on what visuals you’d prefer to watch during your sessions. If you enjoy internal, big bubble action, then an incycler would be your best choice. However, if you prefer external, fast-moving action, then you’ll want to go with a recycler. No matter which one you select, another benefit of both is that you won’t have to clean it as frequently as a typical bong because of the constant recycling of water. That doesn’t mean you don’t have to clean your piece at all. It just allows for more time in between cleanings. And the less time you have to spend cleaning equals more time you can spend enjoying your sessions.

Recycler & Incycler Benefits

Now, you should have a decent grasp of what recyclers and incyclers are. Sure, they may not be for everyone, but they still have their share of advantages over alternative options. So we wanted to discuss some of the benefits that recyclers and incyclers have to offer.

Built-In Splashguard

Nobody enjoys getting bong water in their mouth when they pull the carb to inhale. And if you’re someone who doesn’t clean their bong as often as they should, then that bong water will be especially nasty. In some cases, people have even been known to vomit due to the overpowering taste. However, if you were to use a recycler or incycler, you’d have a built-in splashguard to keep that nasty bong water at bay. It’s the second chamber that acts as a natural splashguard, allowing you to enjoy your cannabis without bong water in your mouth destroying the flavor. And you’ll end up spitting out both the hit and the bong water, wasting the hit as well as requiring cleanup on your part.

Top-Notch Flavor & Filtration

To anyone who savors the flavor of their cannabis/concentrates as well as enjoys unrivaled filtration, recyclers and incyclers are just what the doctor ordered. The high level of filtration that recyclers and incyclers are known for is all thanks to the smoke and water traveling together back and forth between the two chambers. As it’s cycled between the chambers, it also passes through the percolators countless times, resulting in one of the tastiest rips imaginable. Hence, why many dabbing enthusiasts prefer these types of rigs to maximize flavor and filtration. You can also load more material and take bigger hits due to the high level of filtration. And it’s the filtration combined with minimal space for air that allows your smoke to constantly be filtered until the last possible second, keeping it from going stale.


Both recyclers and incyclers have a lot going on aesthetically when it comes to their unique design and functionality. With an incycler, since all the action goes on internally, that’s where all the “cool stuff” is going on. It just depends on how big it is, how many percs it has, and what other stylish extras are thrown in for good measure. Ergo, if big bubble action in a compact piece is what you crave, then you need an incycler in your glass collection. Recyclers, on the other hand, feature all the “fun stuff” externally with the tubes that carry the water and smoke from chamber to chamber taking front stage. Simply having one of these bad boys sitting on your shelf will look spectacular, with the dual chambers and intake tubes on full display. But the real enjoyment comes from viewing the sucker in action. Watching the smoke and water loop back and forth before the smoke enters your lungs is always a treat to watch whether it’s your first time, or hundredth time watching.