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Just because you have the ideal bong or glass pipe doesn’t mean you can’t add a few accessories to the mix to liven up your sessions. And like any true marijuana enthusiast, you can’t truly get the job done unless you have the proper tools. Can you get away with just a basic bong or pipe? Sure, but the experience will more than likely be subpar. What about when you accidentally break your quartz banger or bong bowl and don’t have a replacement on hand? This will unquestionably throw a wrench into your smoking plans, and nobody wants that. That’s why we feature a nice selection of accessories for bongs, pipes, and dab rigs that look excellent in addition to being incredibly inexpensive.

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What We Carry

We don’t just sell impressive bongs, dab rigs, and pipes at rock-bottom prices; we also carry some excellent low-cost accessories for these products as well. Are you tired of your bong or rig becoming so dirty that you have to clean it daily? Then have a look at our ash catchers, which will capture the ash before it enters your bong or rig and filters the smoke via its percolator before it reaches your lungs. Maybe you want to add some color to that clear bong you have sitting on your shelf? Why not bring some life to that bad boy by picking up one of our exceptional colorful downstems? Whether you need a new bong bowl or a replacement quartz banger, or whatever, we have you covered. So, make sure you take advantage of our high-quality, affordable accessories by adding one (or five) to your collection today!