How To Clean a Bong
When it comes to the numerous ways you can consume cannabis, smoking is easily the most popular. As far as how people smoke their weed, there are many options, with bongs being one of the most popular. However, unlike when you smoke a joint and end up with nothing but a roach (the remains of […]
The 5 Best Bongs of 2022
It’s been around 2400 years since the first inception of the bong, also known as the water pipe. But how the bong came to fruition is up for debate. Some say it was first introduced in Asia, while others will say it came from Russia. Heck, there’s even evidence that has bongs dating back to […]
What Are the Different Types of Glass Bongs
If you’re new to the smoking scene and want to buy a bong, you should be able to tell the difference between the different types of glass bongs available and what they each have to offer. They’ve been called several things throughout the years, such as a ‘billy’ from the 1930s, and in more recent times, […]