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BongsBenefits of a Thick Glass Bong

One hand holding a bong, with another giving thumbs up and 'thick glass' text.

Benefits of a Thick Glass Bong

Any smoker who knows their way around will have a solid grasp on glass bong thickness and the importance it can hold. However, those new to the scene will likely have little to no knowledge of thick glass bongs and why they should own one. There are many advantages that heavy-duty glass bongs can provide when compared to thin glass bongs. In this article, we’ll go over some of the benefits that super thick bongs can offer, like unbeatable quality along with unmatched durability.


A bong’s glass thickness goes hand in hand with how durable they are. It’s also why super thick bongs are so much heavier than their slim glass brethren. You’ll find that they primarily measure glass in millimeters where the thickness will range from 2mm (mainly for carb caps, ash catchers, etc.) all the way up to 9mm (mainly for big and chonky bongs). The glass thickness of a bong is also a deciding factor in how much it weighs.

And the heavier a bong is, the more likely it is a high-quality piece. The higher quality of the piece will also help to give the bong a longer lifespan than the thinner alternatives. Maybe you’re not the accident prone type, so the thickness isn’t a deciding factor for you. If you take good care of your belongings, you should concentrate on the other advantages extra thick bongs have to offer.

Infographic on the different thickness of glass bongs.


The added durability that heavy-duty glass bongs provide is one of the primary reasons people decide to go this route. While we just spoke about those who aren’t accident-prone in the previous section, let’s switch it up and focus on us clumsy folks. For those of us who tend to break things or those who are rougher on their belongings, a super thick bong can be a godsend.

Thick glass is also fantastic for worrywarts since you won’t have to worry as much about knocking over your piece. It’s the additional weight that actually helps to keep the piece upright, reducing the chances of it being knocked over. And, as heavy as thick glass bongs can be, they allow you to travel with them to your next destination, all in one piece instead of thousands. Conversely, if you were to knock over a thin glass bong, there’s a much higher chance that it could crack or, even worse, shatter.

Quality and related words visually grouped together.


When it comes to new purchases of any sort, quality is usually at the top of the list of requirements. Unless you’re a glutton for punishment, nobody wants a low-quality item if they can help it. And it’s no different when you purchase a glass bong. When quality is a top priority, you want to make sure you only look at pieces that are crafted from borosilicate glass, which is known for its durability and long lifespan.

On that same note, thicker glass does lend itself to higher-quality glass. The thick glass just screams quality! Now, before you go rushing to the checkout, always perform a fair amount of research beforehand to diminish the likelihood you’ll end up with a subpar piece. Google is a fantastic place to begin your research.

But, if you want to check out what real users are saying (if it’s a popular item), we recommend you take a look at Reddit r/Bongs. And if all else fails, simply get in touch with the brand/company that created the piece, and they should be able to answer to any queries you may have without issue.

Why You Should Consider a 7mm Thick Bong

Now that you’re well-versed in what benefits a super thick bong can offer, let’s take a minute to talk about 7mm bongs. They may not be the thickest heavy-duty glass bong on the block, but they’re still more than twice the thickness of your average bong that typically comes in at 3mm. Seeing as how a heavy-duty glass bong is twice as durable, it really can take a licking and keep on ticking. You’ll also see more cost-efficient 7mm thick glass bongs when compared to the hefty prices that typically come with 9mm thick bongs.

Thin Glass Bongs Can Be Brittle

Brokoen shards of glass sitting on a mirror

No bones about it, thinner glass bongs are simply much less durable than their thick glass bong counterparts. A bong that features thinner glass won’t be able to take the same beating as a thick beaker bong. When you knock over a nice, thick glass bong, that super thick glass helps to prevent any cracks or breakage. Not to say that it can’t get damaged, it just has a much better chance of surviving a simple tip-over.

Even if you were to drop it from a modest height, there’s a good chance that it would survive. Sure this may sound great, but we highly recommend you do not put this theory to the test (take our word for it). Thinner glass bongs, on the other hand, will only survive a drop from the same height by some miracle. The glass simply isn’t thick enough to take the beating that thick, glass bongs can.

However, if you’re hard on things, thinner bongs probably aren’t your best choice. Additionally, when you purchase a thin glass bong and know full well how hard you are on things, you’re just setting yourself up for heartbreak. And by heartbreak, we really mean bong break.

Wrapping Things Up

Thick glass bongs offer many benefits to the user that thin glass bongs simply cannot. First and foremost, the thickness and durability that come with heavy-duty glass bongs give them a big advantage over thinner glass options.

And all these advantages that thick bongs can offer are extremely beneficial to anyone who’s worried about possible breakage or is merely the clumsy type that breaks everything they touch. Plain and simple, you really can’t go wrong with a solid, 7mm bong if you’re looking for a quality piece to add to your collection.

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